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Commemoration To Take Place On April 12 2025

Jehovah's Witnesses Worldwide Prepare for Annual Memorial of Christ's Death

Commemoration to Take Place on April 12, 2025

All Residents Invited to Attend

Jehovah's Witnesses around the world are eagerly preparing for their annual Memorial of Jesus Christ's death, which will be held on Sunday, April 12, 2025. Considered the most important event in their religious calendar, the Memorial commemorates the sacrifice that Christ made to ransom mankind from sin and death.

"We believe that Jesus' death was a precious gift from God," said a spokesperson for the Jehovah's Witnesses. "By observing the Memorial, we show our deep gratitude for his sacrifice and its profound implications for our lives."

Jehovah's Witnesses believe that the Memorial should be observed in a spirit of reverence and somber reflection. The event typically includes a Bible-based talk, readings, and prayers. They extend an open invitation to all members of the community to attend the Memorial, which will be held at all Kingdom Halls of Jehovah's Witnesses worldwide.
